Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The big hair color question

As humans, we are vain. And technology during the past years has enabled our vanity in ways never before dreamt of. For instance, hair dye is no longer a chore only people with greying hair go through, it has become a regular beauty staple of young women (and not only women) as young as 13-14 and it's not unheard of for children to have their natural hair color tampered with at least with temporary dye. Billions of dollars are brought in by something we all seem to have to do.

Whether it's completely changing one's haircolor or simply adjusting the particular hue into one that is thought more fashionable or attractive, each year the trends include hair, and not only hair styles, but, more importantly, hair color.

And for 2011? What are we to do with our hair this year?

Let's take a cue from our immediate go-to inspirations for fashion. Models.

Abbey Lee went platinum blonde.

Lily Cole went dark brown.

Eniko Mihalik went red.

Ph. Miguel Reveriego for Bergdorf Goodman

Natasha Poly Went dark brown.

Essentially, these four top models interchanged their haircolors, with one thing in common. They went all the way. Completely different. Impossible to miss. Bold. It can be argued that this cannot be attributed to 2011, as some of them did it last year. But it's the talk of all the Internet, so it remains a thing of actuality. Women are looking for inspiration right now - and guess what? - these pictures float around (without any sources to be seen!) right now.

So do we have our answer? Is this what we have to do? Just change? How drastically? I know I will probably only slightly adapt my tone.

How about you? What are your plans for your hair this season?


  1. I will not be working during school this year, therefore I will not have a penny to spend, especially not on my hair.
    Thankfully, 'ombre' hair is kind of cool right now, so as my highlights grow out, that's what I'm going to call it :)


  2. haha Cad you and me both! My natural hair color is a dark blonde, I had it dyed a slightly different shade and now all the irregular growing and washing out and sun bleaching are making the coolest ombre effect.


  3. I have been wanting to do something drastic too! Either red like eniko or chop it like alexa chung. Although I really love charlotte frees perfect pink! decisions decisions:)I'm following



  4. I read pink and I thought "omg yes!" thinking of that famous picture of abbey - who else? - with like half her hair hot pink. if only I'd ever get up the courage to do it, heh.
    thanks dear.

  5. M going to keep it golden blonde!!

  6. love all these pics! so pretty and inspiring! x

    Haute and Fierce

  7. Natasha Poly looks so great! I think I want to dye my hair brown like her!



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